Monday, November 2, 2015

New Places & Faces - Lousinganu

We continue to see God causing the increase and opening up doors of opportunity into new areas. In part three of this series, we would like to introduce you to new contacts in Lousinganu Village in Central Tanna Island.

I had the pleasure to spend a week in Lousinganu Village last month. I was scheduled to spend the week with the Loun/Lorakau congregation, but they requested that we conduct a series of lessons in nearby Lousinganu instead. Thomas, his wife (Mary), and his brother (Peter), have been making the 45 minute one-way walk to meet with the Christians in Loun most Sundays for several months. They were originally contacted by Thomas and Peter’s uncle, Harry, who is one of the church leaders.

We had some 20 adult visitors attend the afternoon studies each day, in addition to 10-15 church members. We are hopeful that the seeds planted during the week will take root and grow into faithful disciples, and perhaps there will be a church meeting in Lousinganu in the months to come.

Afternoon study in Lousinganu 
Thomas and Mary along with their kids and extended family members

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