Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oh my Vanuatu: To catch a mouse

One could probably make a pretty good case for the mouse to be the national animal of Vanuatu...they're everywhere. Lots of natural produce and resulting bi-products make for great feasts and breeding grounds.

Fun fact: a mouse/rat can climb a coconut tree, chew a coconut stem causing it to fall to the ground, and gnaw through the THICK husk and relatively-soft shell to get to the flesh inside...pretty impressive feat.

Here's a pic of the area under some shelving at our Malekula house after we'd been away for a month:

Fun fact: to date, I've killed two mice at our Malekula house ... one with a machete and one with a metal pipe. #realman

Here's a pic of a trap we rigged up at our house in Vila recently:

Believe it or not, the trap worked, and we had a drowned mouse in the bucket the next morning. #success

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