Saturday, August 10, 2013

Malekula Farewell Song

Here's the song one of the youth wrote for our departure, as sung by several of the Christians during our going away party. While we will, Lord willing, continue to work with them, our departure marks the end of our being based in the village.  Here are the lyrics (precisely as written by Bronsly, age 13)...

Mr. Eric you are about to leave us now and go back to your home sweet home. We thank you for the works that you have done. For your kindness and loves for us all. Our lifes will not before gotten. Will meed again someday. Please take our loves with you for you living us behind, will sing a song with broken heart, good bye and good bless you.


  1. So glad you posted this video. It brought tears to my eyes. You have been such a blessing to the work there. Love you guys!

  2. Thanks, Greg! Your encouragement has meant so much.
