Do "the kids" even use that phrase any more?!?
We love our life in the village, and one reason is the food we eat. I recently watched the documentary "Food, Inc." and realized how fortunate we are to live where we do. For example, in our own little yard we have green beans, papaya, pumpkins, mangoes and soursop growing (I am anxiously awaiting our first crop of lemons - probably a few more years away). I find it so cool that we literally walk out of the house, pick the ripe produce, bring it in the house, and cook/eat it.
Besides those items, we have very generous neighbors who share with us from their gardens. We enjoy fresh pineapple, yams, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, spring onions, coconuts, corn, peanuts, peppercorns, and watermelons. Free-range eggs and grass-fed beef are the norm in Vanuatu. Wanna come visit and try some?
Green beans on the vine |
Recently planted peppers (protected from the cat and chickens) |
Papaya almost ready |
Soursop ready to be picked |
Pumpkin - tastes great sauteed or in a cake |
Yes I do want to come visit! :) It all looks so yummy!