Monday, May 16, 2011

Mission: Veranda - Complete

We were able to complete the foundation, posts and 4/5 of the thatch roof of our veranda before we departed Malekula in March.  The local brethren finished the thatch and installed woven bamboo for the walls.  We have really enjoyed having the outside living space, as it is much cooler with the combination of breeze and shade.  It also serves as the location for our weekly youth Bible study.


  1. Nice Job. It is so nice that you had help from fellow Christians. That is a blessing for both you and them. Heather and Jason (McCall) had their baby girl last week. We are all having a great time holding baby Cora. I am officially moved to Moore, OK, but I am traveling back to Broken Arrow each week to get some updates and repairs done on my BA house before I put it up for sale. Always more work that you think it is to move. Of course guys would know about moving. Bless you all and may God bless the work there.
