We continue to see God causing the increase and opening up doors of opportunity into new areas. In part one of this series, we would like to introduce you to two new Christians from Wiaru Village in North Malekula Island.
I met Christine & William during my first trip to Malekula back in 2009. I was originally taken to Malekula by Flexon, and Christine is his eldest sister. She and William live about a 3 hour walk inland from Tulwei Village, which is where our family was based from 2011 to 2013.
We are excited to report that William and Christine were baptized into Christ recently. Both Flexon and his younger brother Alsen were instrumental in studying with and converting them. You may also recall me mentioning their son, Atison, several times in recent blog posts and reports. It is exciting to see this family continue to reach out to their loved ones with the good news.
Alsen and his wife recently moved inland, and are now only about a 20 minute walk from Wiaru, and so the two families are able to gather together each Sunday for a time of worship and encouragement. They have several regular visitors from the community that are meeting with them as well. We are planning to conduct an open air gospel meeting in 2016 in Wiaru, and look forward to the fruit that might be gleaned.